Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My Little Champion!

Ok, so he's not exactly a soft ball champion,
but he can still be MY champion!

The MHI Hammers fought the good fight last night & made it into the co-ed softball championship game!! Tim was giddy & I was just so excited because they were playing so well. I kind of wanted to throw on a Hammers jersey and join them. (Although, I did play intramural soft ball for Tri Delt & let me just say…it was not pretty - it was best I was in the stands cheering them on.) I'm sad to say they were 2 runs short of a victory, but I was beaming because my little pitcher did such a fab job out there!

Go MHI Hammers…you'll get em next season!


Kelly said...

SO fun! I played intramural softball in collge for my sorority too and it was awful. I'll never forget I was catcher (and I can't catch a ball to save my life) and the best looking football player at school was umping and he finally had to say "hey I can't ump and catch the ball too" because he had to keep catching balls for me. I was mortified!

elizabeth said...

The year Chi O was Intramurals Champ I didn't participate. Coincidence? I think not.

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Oh, our little Timmy is so sporty in his softball jersey. Go MHI!

Sarah Beth said...

I dare...make that double dog dare you to play softball!!!
I've been at Crime Stoppers conference so I am now back in the game!

Shannon said...

I hope Tim knows that he had a practically professional cheerleader in the stands. I can still see the glitter megaphone.

Congrats on the win, MHI.