Monday, November 19, 2007

How To Make a BLUE Couch Cushion

First you'll need...

A Blue Pen

Then you'll need...

A Baby Cavapoo...Named LUCY

Then you'll get this result...

A Blue Couch Cushion
(I realize you can barely see anything. This was after LOTS & LOTS of cleaning. I was too mad to take a picture right after it happened. I promise it was WORSE than this...dark blue...I'm not just being dramatic.)

Then you'll have to...
Wash the Cavapoo

You might think the Cavapoo is cute, but do not be deceived...she is still a terror!


annalee said...

berkeley just said, "that lucy has the best ideas for fun!" i told berk that she is much too old to be trying any puppy stunt like that so not to get any ideas!

the thorntons said...

Aren't puppies the best?!? I could go on and on about all the naughty things my little Harley has done, but bringing it up again just makes me mad. You can't help but love them though!! I think blue is definitely Lucy's color.

elizabeth said...

And let me guess...Stewart slept through the whole thing? Oh Lucy, you can't stay mad at her long with that cute face!

Kelly said...

She really is cute. Did she eat the blue pen and that's how her feet got blue? It would be hard not to laugh at that cute face!

Sarah Beth said...

I paid Lucy to do that!

Janelle and Ella said...

Oh my goodness!!! I am cracking up at how you told the story of what happened! Hilarious. I know it was not funny though at the time. Lucy is so adorable!! I'm sorry about your couch cushion.

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

You left out the part about "then you have to spank the Baby Cavapoo!" That's probably an unspoken step.

Oh, my niece. She's a handful.

Shannon said...

I like the blue-legged cavapoo. I say leave it.

She is really cute. Even if she is a terror.

Julie said...

She and Rune have to be calling each other during the day while we're at work comparing terror stories... he ate another hole in the wall last night!

Unknown said...

funny. you are funny and so is little lucy.

Mario and Andrea Rodriguez said...

Hey Tiff - email me when you read this. We have the same couch!! We are having a party this weekend and would love for you and Tim to come! - dre

Mario and Andrea Rodriguez said...

Thanks for the post Tiff - let me know when you are ready for that white chocolate peppermint mocha to be delivered! I'm praying for you girl. - dre

Heather said...

Just read on Amanda's site about your surgery. Just want you to know that our family will be praying for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about you alot lately bc I knew your surgery was soon. I just read on "Baby Bangs" that it was on Thursday. You will be in my prayers. I pray that you and your whole family will have a sense of peace from now until the surgery is over. I'll be frantically checking for updates.

Kelly said...

Tiffani - I'll be praying for you this week. I will pray EXTRA EXTRA hard on Thursday! I know God will protect you and I can't wait to hear about your recovery.
Even though I don't know you - I think you are such a sweet person and I just love reading your blog and love to get your encouraging and thoughtful comments. You are a special person. May God keep you in His hands and heal you!

Natalie said...

Tiff, just want you to know that we'll be praying for you tons over the next few days! Love you!

Nat Pat said...

hey tiff-
we are praying for you! so good to know that your family will be there with you.
love you-

Tammie Head said...

Hi Tiffani! I read the post on Amanda's blog this morning, and I left a comment there...hopefully you will go and read all of them when you have a minute, I think you will be greatly encouraged by all those who are praying for you!

Know, this sister, will be lifting you us as well. I pray His peace washes over you as you walk this road.

Much affection in Christ ♥