Friday, September 14, 2007

My Little Cone Head

Yesterday, Lucy took a trip to the vet to get 'fixed'. Thank the Lord Tim took her because I would have been crying as the nurse took her out of my hands. Everything went well & don't worry she is still wild as ever - apparently the medicine did not slow her down!

BUT, she is pretty MAD we put this cone on can she do all the Cavapoo things she needs to do?

Poor Lucy.


Natalie said...

adorable! You can tell through the pictures that she is a spunky dog!

Julie said...

Look at little Lucy's leg... awww.
Is Stewart scared of the Cone?

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

I'm sure that's really cramping her Cavapoo style. How can she fly like a flying squirrel with her cone?

Kelly said...

Awwwww.....she is so cute!

Sarah Beth said...

I can't wait to meet this little Lucy. She got your looks!

annalee said...

berkeley sends her wishes for a quick recovery! the cone picture is so pathetic!

the thorntons said...

When my little Harley got fixed, she didn't let the "puppy Valium" faze her either. She quickly wiggled out of her lampshade (or cone, whichever you prefer) and was back to her crazy ways. Hang in there Lucy!!