Sunday, February 10, 2008

Bark Park Adventures

Do you wanna go to the (enter high pitch voice) DOG PARK?

Dog tags start jingling & Stewart is HYPER!
Lucy doesn't know where we are going, but since Stewart is excited SHE is double EXCITED!

Here's how it goes down:

Stewart is a snob so he barely acknowledges other dogs.
He would rather run around alone, sniff the grass & wade in the extra blue pond.

Although, he did take a liking to this tiny, tiny yorkie on Saturday. You must know that he slobers a lot at the dog park & it happened to get on the cute yorkie's back. I was very embarassed & mumbled a 'sorry' as I carried off slobbery Stewart!

Lucy is a little timid about the dog park. In the past, she would spend the entire time jumping in any human lap available. Thankfully, she is warming up to the idea of playing with other dogs. I think she spent most of the time shadowing Stewart.

Occasionally, she ran up to other dogs & then ran off with her tail between her legs.
We can only hope that she will start some kind of chase next time...we would be so proud!

Ahhh, a dog's life.


Sarah Beth said...

Oh Lucy looked so happy! That Fraggle Rock dog! I wish Dixie could have been there to jump in the pool and splash all of the water out! Looks like a FUN time at the dog park!

elizabeth said...

Stewart gets excited about something?! :) I've been looking for dogs...I'm hoping to get one when it finally warms up here!

annalee said...

lucy is getting so grownup! berk would like to prearrange a trip to the bark park with her friends that she is missing.

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Lucy is just a little slow in her public social development. Behind closed doors she's VERY AFFECTIONATE to other dogs. I think Lola knows what I mean.

the thorntons said...

I love dog parks! Jack is always "too cool"...he'd rather hang out with humans because he doesn't consider himself a dog. And Harley is just too stupid for her own good...she's scared of everything. I'm glad Lucy & Stewart had a good time!

Natalie said...

You're making me feel like a bad dog mommy! We haven't walked Kylie in months, much less taken her to a bark park. Lucy and Stewart are lucky to have such fun parents!

Janelle and Ella said...

That is so fun. I love taking Jones to the dogpark.