Saturday, May 3, 2008

A Turkey Hunt by Numbers

(Better late than never!)

The number of turkeys that were shot & the amount of camo that I own.

My very first time to shoot a gun. I grew up around Barbies & ballerinas. I think the only gun I ever shot was a water gun...oh, and the Sega gun for Dunk Hunt. I was totally good at that game! Anyway, I'm not sure about the whole hunting thing. It makes me too nervous, but Tim & Mr. Fatheree were great teachers.

The number of snakes we saw while we were there.
(Even though Luke promised me we wouldn't see any snakes right before we got out of the car.)

(I don't care that this was a baby snake...ain't no snake a baby to me!)

The number of hunting teachers available to me.

The number of cacti I mistook for turkeys while riding on top of the hunting truck.

The number of times a minute that I wished someone had told me there was such a thing as snake boots. If you think I wouldn't have made Tim stop to get me some on the way are crazy!

skip a few...

The number of times I heard Luke & Tim practicing their turkey calls. It went a little something like this...


sara lindsey said...

tim looks such the part, and i would pay to hear that turkey call in person! and, unless that's in a doll house, the snake doesn't look like a baby! you're precious (as always)!

annalee said...

what wouldn't i give to see you turkey hunting!?
also, ev and adelaide were at first baptist today (i was bacheloretting with kristin). he said he saw you and tim and chased after y'all but couldn't get to you in time!
no worries though, we will all be there in just a few months and excited to see you all the time!

Mrs. Joyce said...

My adorable mother-in-law does the best turkey call ever! She won a Thanksgiving turkey (ready to cook) one year for doing her turkey call in a market.

Snake boots would be your next purchase, and I don't mean that the boots are made from snakeskin, either, baby. Did you know that Kathleen and I caught a snake INSIDE THE HOUSE, right here on Crestline 6 years ago this month? It was staying warm on my alarm clock! We did lots of screaming and made calls after midnight (when I found it), and finally scraped it off into a pillow case, tied it up, kept it in the garage and called animal control the next morning. So brave!

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Wow, you posted. About time.

That IS NOT a baby snake. Unless it's coming off way bigger in the photo. Sick.

And you really should get some snake boots. You could wear them to dad's.

elizabeth said...

This is a sick thing to admit, but my dad's turkey caller was one of our favorite toys growing up! Yep. That's the way we roll in A-town. Glad you got to participate in the turkey hunt!

Sara S. said...

Tiffani, you look so cute and petite holding the gun. If that is a baby snake I would HATE to see the momma! I am intrigued by the turkey call! Too funny!

BigMomma said...

THERE you are! I've missed your updates... Sounds like fun but you'd never catch me out in the wild with out snake boots!!

Welcome back to blog world!

jessica said...

i own those actual snake boots... my husband got them for me for our 3rd anniversary when we were dating. nothing says love like a pair of chippewa snake boots!

Nat Pat said...

way to go! you are such a good sport.